Laughter is the best medicine! With gentle yoga-breathing and stretching exercises, rhythmic clapping and chanting of Ho Ho Ha Ha Ha in unison a simulated laughter turns into real laughter.
(Hasya Yoga) is a physically oriented technique that uses a blend of playful, empowering and otherwise “tension-releasing” simple laughter exercises. Laughter Yoga is done as a way to improve health, increase well-being and promote peace in the world through personal transformation. It is non-religious, non-sectarian, and non-political.
A typical Laughter Yoga session lasts about 20 to 30 minutes. The session may be adapted to suit the needs, abilities and motivations of the group participating.
The Laughter Yoga method is the brainchild of Dr. Madan Kataria, a family physician from Mumbai, India who started the first laughter club in 1995. He has been the catalyst for the creation of over 5,000 Laughter Clubs in 40 countries, mostly free and public. -Text from Wikipedia – Laughter Yoga
As a part of a dance of peace evening, we will often start with 15-20 minutes of laughter yoga. Its a great warm up and fun lighthearted way to connect.
Try it!
- Cell Phone Laughter: Hold an imaginary cell phone to your ear and laugh.
- Quiet Laughter: pretend you are trying to hide your laugh behind your hand.
- Greeting Laughter: Greet everybody the way you normally greet (e.g. shake hands) and replace words with laughter.
- Hearty Laughter: Spread your arms up, look up and laugh heartily as you direct your laughter to come straight from your heart.
- Credit Card Bill Laughter: Open an imaginary credit card bill (or any other letter that represents a bad news to you) and burst out laughing the second you look at what’s inside.
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